Aug 15, 2011

Crazy Skies

When I first saw this, first thing I wanted to do was to check the weather forecast for any tornado warning. lol I'm soooo afraid of them! I have a huge respect for mother nature! You just never know..... I have lived in different cities throughout my life but the skies and weather changes I have seem in Montreal are like nowhere else. I find them astonishing but at the same time a bit scary... Have a great Monday y'all and come back soon.


  1. Hola Paisa!!
    Cuanto tiempo si verte. Por lo que veo estas muy bien y bastante ocupada, me da gusto saber de ti y ver que estas haciendo cosas que te gustan!
    Te mando un beso y un fuerte abrazo!!
    Luis Mendoza

  2. Que gusto saber de ti Luis! Sigues en Toronto?? Espero vernos pronto! : )
